Unsupervised Children

We take great pride in being an inclusive, family club and are thrilled that so many young people are engaging with healthy attitudes to body and mind through our facilities and youth programmes.

The vast majority of young people using the Club are extremely well behaved and respectful.  However, there have been a few incidents in recent weeks whereby under 16 year old junior/family members have tried to use the gym outside of Youth Gym sessions, or where young members have tried to give non members access to the gym, ATP, pool and sports hall.  Staff have also had to deal with some extremely boisterous behaviour, whereby groups of young people have not shown consideration to other people using the facility.

If your children are coming to the Club unsupervised during the summer months, please ensure they behave appropriately.  Dealing with disruptive behaviour is a huge drain on staff resources and we reserve the right to immediately cancel memberships if a) we find that people are being invited into the Club without paying or into areas that are strictly member only or b) people behave in a way that is rude, disrespectful or threatening to staff or our wider club community.

Parents are also invited to consult our pool ratio policies in advance of summer planning.

If you have questions about this, please call us on 020 8613 6500.  If you witness or experience anything concerning whilst at the Club, please go to reception and ask to speak to a Duty Manager.

Thank you for helping us provide a fair and pleasant experience for all.

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